Impressive! This article really delves deep. It seems the trend is shifting away from boasting and more towards personalization and discreetly indulging oneself. Such an intriguing perspective!

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Thank you! Glad you liked it!

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What is really interesting is what the future generations will make out of these brands. Some studies suggest that millennials are generally more interested in experiences rather than material possessions, which could lead to a shift away from luxury products. However, at the same time, many millennials are also highly focused on personal branding and status, which could lead to a continued interest in luxury products. Ultimately, it will depend on a variety of factors, including economic conditions, cultural trends, and individual preferences.

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What if the Chinese have their own luxury brand other than Moutai?

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The Chinese luxury customer wants French or Italian luxury, take a look at what happened to Prada's appeal in China once it started manufacturing there

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